Kickstarting Tech for Good

We ideate, prototype, validate, pilot and demonstrate. To envision your bright future with impact.


We collaborate with our clients to develop new tech concepts, create prototypes and test it in practice. Together we work on a sustainable approach.

Self-initiated projects

With our own projects we aim to discover future possibilities. Human-machine interaction and driving the adoption of new tech is what makes us tick.

Interim management

TechTics members are available for interim assignments in the private and public sector. As initiator and connector we are at our best.


The latest developments in a nutshell

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October 2023 - Our latest initiative is centered on combatting the issue of cans littering our streets and natural environments, totaling a staggering 150 million cans annually. To address this challenge, our company is currently in the process of developing a cutting-edge mobile robot known as TinTrooper. This innovative robot is specifically designed for outdoor can collection, complementing existing collection points like supermarkets. TinTrooper efficiently compacts them and issues a QR code for hassle-free deposit processing. Beyond its functional role, the robot actively engages with individuals, promoting responsible can disposal and fostering greater environmental awareness.

R&D co-op with SenseGlove

March 2022 - Together with SenseGlove we will be working on a R&D collaboration project. SenseGlove's core activities consist of developing kinesthetic gloves for making the digital world accessible from the physical world. Goal of the project is to further develop our BeachBot and create an innovative human-robot interaction by tele-operated control of the robot's gripper arm via the kinesthetic glove of SenseGlove, which uses motion tracking, force feedback and vibrotactile feedback. The R&D co-op is supported via an MIT subsidy of the Province of South Holland.


5G experiments with Do IoT Fieldlab & TU Delft

March 2022 - Supported by 'Kansen voor West' we will work together with Do IoT Fieldlab and the TU Delft on low latency remote observation and remote control of our BeachBot. To do so, we will utilize the 5G network and run tests in the Do IoT Fieldlab locations (e.g. Unmanned Valley). Ultimate goal is to optimize field research on litter on the Dutch North Sea coast and monitoring areas by providing a scalable and verifiable solution for remote monitoring and data collection.

Team TechTics

We are a team of thinkers, doers and connectors. Inventive, stubborn and socially involved. Familiar with success and failure. Next to our core team we have an expert network in the field of AI, Robotics, VR/AR/Mixed Reality, User Experience, Sustainability & MarCom.

Martijn Lukaart

Co-founder / CTO

Edwin Bos

Co-founder / CMO

Nayoung Jung

UX/UI Designer

Mark Vincent

Head of R&D

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Stijn Bier

Jr. Robotics engineer

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Network & Partners

For every project we create customized teams consisting of professionals and students from our network. We are based at Yes!Delft The Hague and we are a member of RoboValley.
